Spies app iphone


Non dovrai mai pagare! Nessuna registrazione o impiccio, basta scaricarlo e giocare. Scopri i segreti di Adventure Escape: Puoi rubare i segreti dai Nazisti e scappare sano e salvo? Search for "Adventure Escape" to find other Haiku Games! Nice game as all the others from this series! Tolles game wie alle haiku spiele dieser art. Descrizione I fuggitivi hanno occupato la Francia, cattura un traditore e ferma la mega-arma nazista! Novità Cronologia aggiornamenti Cronologia aggiornamenti 1.

Nice game 25 dic Super 7 gen Super 14 feb Informazioni Venditore Andrew Ow. Acquisti in-app Get 30 Stars! Identification Kit Create your own pretend spy agency ID and other false identities! Tap the photo to use your real picture or a saved disguise.

Iphone apps for spies

Scarica Spy Pix direttamente sul tuo iPhone, iPad e iPod touch. it if you could rate Spy Pix or drop us an e-mail to let us know what you think of the app. Scarica Spy Net™ Lie Detector direttamente sul tuo iPhone, iPad e iPod touch. "This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide.

Edit the text fields to customize, including the driver license state, passport country, spy agency name, security clearance, and more. Save your ID to the camera roll by using a long touch. Fingerprint Scanner Pretend to scan fingerprints to verify identities for access.


The app does not actually scan fingerprints. The app randomly accepts or rejects the fingerprint. Voice Changer Change your voice!

Destroy the Nazi mega-weapon!

Will Ed and Marie ever get a night alone? This is the image that others will see. Ma loperatore telefonico ha provato a contattarlo. Stavo cercando un'app che potesse tenere d'occhio i miei figli quando io non posso stare con loro. Dopo aver provato mSpy, questo programma è diventato un alleato insostituibile per me. You can contact us directly at:

Sound younger or older. The voice changer can record up to 15 seconds. Use the slider to change the voice pitch lower or higher. Night Vision Goggles Pretend to see in dark conditions! Take pictures using the camera button and save to your camera roll.

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The app cannot see in total darkness. Updated for iOS Descrizione This app is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Novità Cronologia aggiornamenti Cronologia aggiornamenti 1. Fix for crash on some iPhones when selecting photo from camera roll.

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Better iOS 7 compatibility.